Yoga is a practice of different asanas, or poses, that are designed to strengthen and lengthen the muscles of the body. Yoga means "to yoke," or to unite. During practice, we unite the postures of yoga with breath work and mindfulness, and when practiced frequently, can leave one with a greater sense of peace and well-being.
Join instructor Andrea Buchanan in your journey to wellness with yoga. Andrea's classes are warm, inviting, and encouraging. All skill levels, body types, and ages are invited to Andrea's classes. During class, Andrea will lead you through each pose and provide you with the options to tailor the class to your body and needs.
Classes Offered
Cedar and Sage offers a variety of classes from traditional classes in a studio, outdoor yoga, yoga in local businesses, yoga that includes a beverage, and yoga for chidren, to online classes via Zoom and digitally recorded classes.
There's sure to be a class to suit your needs.
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